
These 4 New England States Are Among the Heaviest Drinking in the US, Study Says

Four New England states were among the top 10 heaviest drinking in the country, according to a new study.

QuoteWizard analyzed CDC alcohol consumption data to see where heavy drinking is the most prevalent. The CDC defines heavy drinking as adult men who consume 14 drinks per week and women who consume seven drinks a week.

The booziest state in the United States, according to their analysis, is Vermont, with 8.28% heavy drinkers. But it had a relatively low DUI rank, at #36.

Maine was the third heaviest drinking state, Massachusetts was eighth and New Hampshire was ninth. Rhode Island was 24th and Connecticut 32nd.

West Virginia, Utah and Oklahoma were the least boozy states, according to the study.

You can find the full report by clicking here.

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