Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

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  • 83635136
    Barack Obama Dec 18, 2019

    Court: Part of ‘Obamacare' Invalid, More Review Needed

    The “individual mandate” of former President Barack Obama’s health care law is invalid, but other parts of the law need further review, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday....


    The 2-1 ruling was handed down by a panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The panel agreed with Texas-based U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor’s 2018 finding that...

  • Medicare Drug Costs
    Nancy Pelosi Dec 12, 2019

    Eyeing 2020, House Empowers Medicare to Negotiate Drug Costs

    Sharpening their 2020 election message, House Democrats on Thursday pushed through legislation that would empower Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and offer new benefits for seniors. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bill would cap Medicare recipients’ out-of-pocket costs for medicines at $2,000 a year. It would use about $360 billion of its projected 10-year savings from lower drug costs to establish...

  • Donald Trump Feb 26, 2019

    Senators Draw on Own Experiences to Chastise Drug Companies

    Drawing from their personal experiences, senators on Tuesday chastised drug company executives over the high cost of prescription drugs, as the company officials cautioned that heavy-handed congressional action could jeopardize medical breakthroughs going forward. Tuesday’s Senate Finance Committee hearing marked the first time lawmakers have called the industry’s top executives to account for rising prices, which are a drain on...

  • Donald Trump Jan 17, 2019

    Trump Administration Proposes Higher ‘Obamacare' Premiums

    The Trump administration on Thursday announced proposed rule changes that would lead to a modest premium increase next year under the Affordable Care Act, potentially handing Democrats a new presidential-year health care issue. The roughly 1 percent increase could feed into the Democratic argument that the Trump administration is trying to “sabotage” coverage for millions. The administration said the proposal...

  • Donald Trump Jan 17, 2019

    US Government May Have Split Up Thousands More Migrant Families

    It seems likely that thousands more migrant children were split from their families than the Trump administration previously reported, in part because officials were stepping up family separations long before the border policy that prompted international outrage last spring, a government watchdog said Thursday. It’s unclear just how many family separations occurred at the U.S.-Mexico border; immigration officials are allowed...

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