A vast survey of the Roman Catholic Church workforce in America shows the people who know best how the church is run – the employees themselves – are deeply split on key issues facing parishes across the nation.
Read full story: Survey Reveals Employees of Catholic Church Divided on Clergy Abuse and Reforms
Survey comments: What Catholic Church Employees in the US Want Everyone to Know
Explore the results:
Credit: Nelson Hsu/NBC
This 26-question unweighted survey was conducted using Survey Monkey between the dates of Oct. 18, 2019, and Nov. 14, 2019. Survey forms were sent via email to 32,616 email addresses listed in the Official Catholic Directory. A total of 2,700 responses were returned, resulting in an 8.3% response rate. Survey Monkey calculates the survey’s margin of error +/- 2% at a 95% confidence interval. All sample surveys and polls are subject to multiple sources of error including self-selection bias and error associated with the wording of questions.