
READ THE ORDERS: Mass.' New Stay-at-Home, Face Mask, Business Closure and Gatherings Rules

Among the orders are requirements that restaurants and other businesses close by 9:30 p.m. and people wear face coverings in public even when further than 6 feet from others

NBC Universal, Inc.

Gov. Charlie Baker issued new guidance Monday including a new stay-at-home advisory, curfews for some businesses and an update to Massachusetts’ mandatory mask order.

On Friday, Massachusetts will enter a new phase of the coronavirus pandemic, one with stricter rules aimed at stopping the virus' spread.

COVID-19 has been resurgent in Massachusetts since summer, the Baker administration said Monday as it announced several orders. They urge people to stay home at night, require restaurants and other businesses to close by 9:30 p.m., require face coverings in public even when people are more than 6 feet apart (with medical exceptions) and once again limit indoor gatherings to 10 people across the commonwealth.

Read the full orders below:

New Mass. Stay-at-Home Order

Beginning on Friday, November 6, 2020, all residents of Massachusetts are advised to stay home between the hours of 10pm and 5am.

COVID-19 case numbers in our state are rising and the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 related hospitalizations and COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) census have more than doubled over the past 2 months.  Social gatherings are contributing to these increases.  Left unchecked, the current COVID-19 case growth poses a risk to our healthcare system.   Intervention is warranted to moderate case growth and preserve hospital capacity.  It’s more important than ever to follow guidance from local, state, and federal officials on how to stop the spread of the virus.

It is critically important that everybody follows the steps listed below, not just for their own health and safety, but for the health and safety of their family and loved ones as well.

In order to comply with this advisory, between the hours of 10pm and 5am, you must:

  • Only leave home to go to work or school, or for essential needs such as seeking emergency medical care, going to the grocery store or pharmacy, picking up take-out food, or receiving deliveries.  If you do leave home, practice social distancing by staying 6 feet away from others and wearing a face covering.
  • Not have gatherings in your home with anybody outside of your household.
  • Comply with all Governor’s Orders, including orders requiring face coverings, limiting gatherings, and mandating early closure of businesses.
  • Practice social distancing and avoid touching surfaces frequently touched by others if you go outside to get fresh air.
  • Use remote modes of communication like phone or video chat instead of visiting friends or family.

Taking these steps is critical to preventing the spread of the virus, protecting the lives of you and your loved ones, and preserving our acute care hospital and other health care systems’ capacity.

Due to the rising coronavirus cases in Mass., Gov. Charlie Baker announces a new stay-at-home order, mask enforcement and restaurant restrictions.

Order Requiring Mass. Businesses to Close Early:

Order Requiring Masks, Face Coverings in Public in Mass.

Order Limiting Mass. Gatherings to 10 People Indoors, 25 Outdoors

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