Airbnb Vs. Boston City Council: It's On!

Looks like Airbnb is not too happy with Boston City Councilors and their plan to regulate the short-term rentals of apartments and homes.

In particular, they call out City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu and accuse her of being in cahoots with “big hotel” and “against the interest of Bostonians.”

The email goes on to list the following problems that Airbnb has with Wu’s proposal:

The Wu proposal would place unnecessary restrictions on home sharing by:
• Placing a restrictive 30-day cap on unhosted stays.
• Prohibiting renters from sharing their homes, something not done anywhere else in the United States.
• Requiring notification of neighbors and that platforms like Airbnb collect and share an invasive amount of personal information putting your privacy at risk.

It also has a handy-dandy link to help supporters of Airbnb send emails objecting to the proposal to Boston City Councilors and Mayor Marty Walsh.

Via twitter, Wu called out Airbnb for being irresponsible and spreading misinformation. She states that she never proposed a 30-cap. She also includes a link to the proposed amendment.

City Councilor Lydia Edwards – also proposing Airbnb regulations, defended Wu via Facebook.

Take that Airbnb!

The post Airbnb vs. Boston City Council: It’s on! appeared first on Caught In Southie.

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