The duck boats will be cleaned between every vehicle tour and other precautions will be in place.
For the first time since November, the Boston duck tour boats will be out again Monday as part of the Phase 3 of the reopening in Boston.
“We’re so excited to get back out there," said Tad McKitterick of Boston Duck Tours. "I think our role has always been to kind of celebrate the city that we’re so proud of and we can’t wait to be an attraction that will bring people into town to support other businesses.”
More Coverage of Boston's Phase 3 Reopening
McKitterick says they are allowed 50-percent capacity on the amphibious vehicles, but they’ll reduce that even more.
“We’re limiting our capacity more than was mandated. Not only are we practicing social distancing on the vehicles, but also requiring all our guests and employees to wear masks,” he said. "People will also be spread apart, every other row without people sitting directly across from each other."
As part of Phase 3 in Boston, museums and the aquarium will also open. Gyms and movie theaters can open, too.

Mayor Marty Walsh said Friday the city will open with "both caution and confidence."
The duck boats will be cleaned between every vehicle tour and other precautions will be in place.
“We’ve modified our plastic curtains so even when it’s raining they’ll allow good air flow through the vehicle,” McKitterick said.
Click here to see what else you can expect as Boston enters Phase 3