New Hampshire

Commission Established to Help With Police-Community Relations in NH

An executive order signed by Gov. Chris Sununu calls for enhanced transparency, accountability and community relations in law enforcement

New Hampshire State Police

An order signed by New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has created a commission that will develop recommendations for reforms to "enhance transparency, accountability and community relations in law enforcement."

The order, signed Tuesday, says the commission was created in the wake of the "tragic murder" May 25 of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the resulting national conversation on law enforcement, social justice and the need for reforms.

It's called the New Hampshire Commission on Law Enforcement, Accountability, Community and Transparency.

The 13-member panel would be headed by the attorney general's office and include representation from police, a circuit court judge, the NAACP, members of human rights, diversity, mental health groups and the public.

Copyright The Associated Press
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