Swimmers were ordered out of the water at several Cape Cod beaches on Thursday morning due to shark sightings.
A great white shark was spotted off the coast of Maine Thursday afternoon, according to Wells police, about two and a half weeks after the state's first deadly shark attack.
Several beachgoers alerted a lifeguard around noon, police said, to say they had spotted fins in the water off of Wells Beach.
As lifeguards were about to investigate with a personal watercraft, police said the harbormaster received a call from Maine Marine Patrol confirming the sighting of a shark outside the jetties at the mouth of Wells Harbor.
The beach was cleared, according to News Center Maine, and beachgoers were told to not go in the water.
When the harbormaster and fire chief arrived, there was no further sighting of what appeared to be a 9-foot shark.
The harbormaster told News Center Maine a water advisory was to remain in effect for Thursday and further advisories would be handled on a day-to-day basis.
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On July 27, a 63-year-old woman from New York City who had a summer home in Maine was killed off Bailey Island in the state's first known deadly shark attack.