Salem State University

Salem State University Deals With Hacked Twitter Account Before Graduation

Some of the tweets used racist language referencing the president

Officials at Salem State University are investigating after its Twitter account was hacked and filled with tweets containing racist language.

Salem State University is dealing with their Twitter account being hacked the night before commencement. Some of the tweets used racist language referencing President Donald Trump.

“That’s crazy and it’s kind of political. It’s really political,” said Jackie Omare of Salem.

School officials said they don’t know who did it and released a statement in response to the hack.

“We are appalled by the hateful nature of these tweets, which in no way represent the views of Salem State University. We have notified our social media followers of this compromise and working to implement additional safe guards,” the statement said in part.

Family showing up to watch the Saturday commencement said it won’t take away from the celebratory day.

“We ain’t going to let this interrupt what we got going on here,” said Edwin Saladin of Salem.

“I know it doesn’t take away from my day because I’ve worked hard for it and I know my views are not those but it makes me embarrassed as a Salem State student to see things like that,” said Melissa Raye, a Salem State University graduate.


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Graduates woke up to an email from University President Patricia Meservey that explained what happened but which also encouraged them to come together to support those most affected by the hurtful incident.

“It is very important to note that none of those malicious posts reflect the viewpoints of Salem State University. We have done great work in the area of social justice and will continue to do so until incidents such as this no longer occur.”

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