In the swing state of New Hampshire, voters showed their independence, backing Democrat Joe Biden for president while sending Republican Gov. Chris Sununu back to the state house.
New Hampshire showed its independence on Election Day, backing Democrat Joe Biden for president while sending its Republican governor back to the State House.
And the split ticket doesn’t stop there. Granite Staters also sent Democratic incumbents Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Rep. Chris Pappas back to Washington, but likely flipped the New Hampshire House Republican, which would give the GOP control of all branches of statewide government.
“That’s what they do,” said political analyst Scott Spradling. “It’s all about balance and bipartisanship.”
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New Hampshire voters said they’re proud to switch columns all the way down the ballot, choosing the right person for the job, not the right party.
“It matters less if you’re a Republican or a Democrat, it matters more if you’re able to work with the people around you,” Spradling explained.
“It’s the best candidate, not the party. It’s the best candidate,” said Concord voter Heidi Reinhold.
And so, on an Election Day that revealed a deeply divided country, Gov. Chris Sununu brought Granite Staters together from both sides of the aisle.
Spradling said Sununu's handling of the pandemic played a huge role in his success.
“He used common sense, he tried to protect health and the economy,” Spradling said. “He also figured out how to not agree with Donald Trump without looking like he was picking fights.”