
5 Years Ago, Boston Broke Its Snow Record

What a difference five years make

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Temperatures in Boston were around 60 degrees Monday, but five years earlier, the record was broken for the snowiest winter in the city’s history.

Shoveling was a second full-time job for many Bostonians five years ago, as the record-breaking, back-breaking, so-called "Snowpocalypse" winter of 2015 just wouldn't let up.

"I'm trying to dig out my car for the fourth time," said one man.

"Just trying to remove as much as we can, it just keeps coming and there's just no place to put it," added another.

For perspective, this winter, Boston's had just 15 inches of snow so far, while in 2015 we topped 110 inches of snow.

After a January blizzard and seemingly endless February snowstorms, snow banks buried cars, and snow piles turned into snow mountains, that had to be melted by equipment usually reserved for Logan Airport.

During the winter of 2015, the infamous South Boston Snow Farm snow pile got as high as 75 feet in height in a parking lot. According Mayor Walsh at the time, it didn't fully melt until July 14 of that year.

Compare those scenes to five years later.

"I get to wear shorts, so it's pretty awesome," Kelsey Shakin of Boston said Monday.

"I'm trying to spend as much time outside today as I can," added Sarah Kruger of Boston.

Sixty degrees and sunny meant tennis in tank-tops, running in shorts and ice skating in T-shirts.

"It's crazy to see how warm it is," Bryan Runge of Quincy said. "Hopefully, spring's coming around the corner."

Well, let's not get too confident — it is Boston, after all.

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